We have a proven track record in bringing companies closer to the media and putting clients in the news. Our goal is to continuously cultivate a relationship with the public via the media to benefit our clients and deliver on campaign objectives.

Clients have enjoyed thousands of articles, exposures, reviews, awards and recommendations from major websites, lifestyle titles, consumer publications, newspapers, TV, telecommunications, business, and consumer media.

Gap works closely with clients by:

  • Pitching for the latest news content, views and announcements.
  • Supplying product samples for evaluation and review.
  • Communicating a client’s opinion and perspective.
  • Enhancing recognition for the client as an industry authority.

Our work ethic when dealing with the media:

  • Treat the media like our clients and provide a prompt personalised service.
  • Conduct our work with integrity, deliver credibility, and become meaningful representatives of our clients.
  • Reduce the amount of time it takes to research and form a story.
  • Ensure media requests are promptly fulfilled by us and our clients.
  • Work sincerely and honestly, for clients and our media friends